Analyst | Technology Consultant | Healthcare

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I am an analyst with academic qualification in Healthcare. I love statistics and I code to build things that are useful for business. I am trained and certified, as well as self-taught in various fields such as Quantitative research, Data Analytics, web development, and Machine Learning. I am mostly driven by curiosity to learn.

Beyond this, I am an avid sudoku player, voracious reader, and love jumb roping, swimming and coding.

  • Technical Design, Architecture and Development of Software Solutions and IT systems for Enterprises. (QMS, Einvoicing System, APM etc)
  • Data Analytics (Python, MS Excel, Power BI)
  • Applied Statistics
  • Quantitative Research (Five SCI-indexed publications)
  • Machine Learning
  • Work PortFolio

    Recognitions and Involvements
    • Gold Medal: Best outgoing student, School of Allied Health Sciences, Manipal, MAHE.
    • Six Badges from IBM for Skills in Data Science & Machine learning.
    • Four Research works in Peer Reviewed Scopus Indexed International journals (Three of them as first author).
      • Awareness of Medico-Legal Aspects & Documentation amongst Health Professionals– (Medico-legal Update)
      • Assessment of healthcare systems across BRICS nations, what India can learn from the rest? – (JCDR)
      • Application of Predictive Modelling to improve Discharge Process – (Healthcare Informatics Research)
      • Healthcare Delivery Through Telemedicine During Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study – (Hospital Topics)
    • Served as Member, at Voluntary Service Organization (VSO), Manipal.
    Academic Qualification & Certifications
    • Master of Hospital Administration, Department of Public Health, Manipal, MAHE (CGPA = 8.9 of 10).
    • Applied Data Science Specialist- (39-weeks Professional Certification Program by IBM).
    • BSc in Health Information Administration, Manipal College of Health Professions, MAHE (CGPA = 9.3 of 10).
    • Data Analytics in Lean Six Sigma Certification (Certificate Course), University of Amsterdam (Coursera Platform).
    • Financial Management Specialisation, IMBA Program, University of Illinois, (Coursera Platform).
    • Business statistics and Analysis, (Certificate course), Rice University, (Coursera Platform).
    • Lean Six Sigma Green belt from Anexas Europe.
    • Class 10 and 12 from International Indian School Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (CBSE, 88.4%).

    "Sayed Hisham has been working directly with me for the last 2 years and during this period he had developed a full fledged IT system for efficient and effective management of health care quality in the hospital. He had self learned the programming languages & tools, analysed the requirements, designed the system, coded, tested and rolled out the various modules over a period, with minimal supervision. He is an avid learner and his analytical skills are commendable. He is keen to learn new things and take up challenges. He is very systematic in analysing & solving problems and proficient in analytical tools."

    -Mr. Saji Mathew, COO, Baby Memorial Hospital,

    "I know Sayed Hisham ever since he has been working at our Organization. He is a very talented academician and good organizer. When given tasks or projects, he diligently works on it and completes it on time to the satisfaction of all concerned. He is a good teacher too and is able to get across his points to the audience clearly and explicitly. His interpersonal relationships are excellent and he is quiet and soft spoken with good communication skills. His character and conduct are above reproach"

    -Dr. Sahasranam K V, Chief of Medical Services, Baby Memorial Hospital,

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